Corpus Christi Surging With Opportunity, Keys to Energy Independence
Highly in demand, Texas light crude oil, is sending a surge of opportunity for United States producers around the globe. A recent New York Times article states; “Suddenly buyers from…
Get On Board, and Feel the Energy!
The Port of Corpus Christi is poised for major growth! Three major infrastructure projects are an integral part of this growing future for the port and South Texas. The Corpus…
Companies Prepare for Ensuing Acceleration in Exports
U.S. oil production is on a continued rise. So much that analysts believe domestic demand will soon be outpaced by supply, and make way for more product for export markets….
Corpus Christi at the Heart of U.S. Oil Sales
“Corpus Christi was the No. 1 port for U.S. crude exports last year, and this trend is continuing,” said Port Corpus Christi Executive Director, John LaRue in a recent interview…
We are the energy port of the Americas!
We are the energy port of the Americas! With $50 billion of investment from companies around the world, and a 10 year $1 billion capital expenditure program, you can feel…
Boarding and Sailing the VLCC Anne with the Aransas-Corpus Christi Pilots
The Aransas-Corpus Christi Pilots bring un-paralleled experience in navigating Port Corpus Christi waterways including the Corpus Christi and La Quinta Ship Channels. With the arrival of a Very Large Crude…
Successful VLCC test at Port Corpus Christi marks an historic occasion
The Euronav Anne, a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) was successfully tested at the Oxy Ingleside Energy Center at Port Corpus Christi. This occasion marks the first time that a…
John LaRue visits CNBC’s Power Lunch
Port Corpus Christi Executive Director, John LaRue, was a guest on Monday’s CNBC Power Lunch. In the segment, “Port of Corpus Christi: America’s energy hub,” Mr. LaRue chatted with hosts…
Landmark ExxonMobil SABIC project cites deep water port, skilled workforce, natural gas resources in site selection choice
Access to rail, deep water port facilities, an educated workforce, and plentiful natural gas supply led to a decision for ExxonMobil and SABIC executives to select a site in San…
Captain Andrea Morrison confirmed as first female Deputy Branch Pilot
Captain Andrea Morrison was confirmed as a Deputy Branch Pilot at the April meeting of the Pilot Board of the Port of Corpus Christi Authority. Captain Morrison is a graduate…