Protecting What Matters Most
Port Corpus Christi is committed to providing a safe and professional workplace to protect our most important assets; our employees, customers and community. We will do this by establishing and maintaining an effective safety program. Safety is and will continue to be a core value of our organization’s way of life. The responsibility for safety resides within all of us and we are each challenged to stay informed and to be accountable for our own safety and the safety of our co-workers. To ensure the success of the safety program everyone must give their full support of the safety initiatives and commit to continuous improvement. This philosophy is shared by our top management and constantly communicated to our employees.
Safety Briefings
Safety briefings are now offered at the beginning of each business and Commission meeting.
Stop Work Authority
Every employee has the right and responsibility to utilize our Stop Work Authority if unsafe conditions or behaviors are perceived, observed, or established and may do so without any fear of reprisal or repercussions.
Effective Communication
Communication about our safety program and employee expectations is important to maintaining a effective safety culture. We are utilizing employees and their family members in the new poster campaign to ensure they are intimately involved and engaged in promoting our safety program.