Harbor Island offers multi-purpose development opportunity and is currently zoned for industry. Harbor Island encompasses 256 acres of development opportunity that includes deep-water, highway, and channel frontage.
Harbor Island is situated in the eastern region of Nueces County along the Gulf Coast of Texas. Located along the northeast perimeter of Corpus Christi Bay, Harbor Island is located within the city limits of Aransas Pass and Port Aransas.
The property has 1.5 miles of frontage along State Highway 361 from the northwest corner of the ferry landing. SH 361 is the traffic artery that services the island. The Texas Department of Transportation operates a free ferry system that links Harbor Island and Port Aransas. The property is accessible from both SH 361 and from Nueces County District 7 roadway.
Planning for Desal
The Port of Corpus Christi has completed the filing of a permit to develop a 50-million gallon per day desalination plant on Harbor Island. The Port recognizes that our community and economy are dependent upon tourism and fisheries within a healthy coastal ecosystem. We value our neighbors and are committed to ensuring that the plan reflects the goals of the region’s economy and environment.

Desal Discharge Permit WQ0005253000
Due to the state-wide effort to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and for your convenience, the TPDES discharge permit and application for a desal facility at Harbor Island is available for public viewing online and linked below.
A hard copy of the permit application is accessible in the La Retama Library in Corpus Christi, in the library in Aransas Pass, in the library in Sinton, and at City Hall in Port Aransas.
Cumulative Modeling Report: DesalinationBrineDischargeModelingReport_10212019_Final.pdf