Tropical Storm Beta Impact to the Port: Hurricane Readiness Condition 2
Anticipating the landfall of Tropical Storm Beta, The Port of Corpus Christi has increased its Hurricane Readiness Status to Port Condition 2 (Tropical Hazards expected within 24 hours), in accordance with its 2020 Hurricane Readiness Plan. The Port continues to monitor possible impact scenarios for the developing Tropical Storm Beta in and around the Texas Coastal Bend region.
Tropical Storm Beta Impact to the Port: Hurricane Readiness Condition 3
Due to the active tropical conditions in the Gulf of Mexico, the Port of Corpus Christi has increased its Hurricane Readiness Status to Port Condition 3 (Tropical Hazards expected within 48 hours), in accordance with its 2020 Hurricane Readiness Plan. The Port Authority continues to monitor possible impact scenarios for the developing Tropical Storm Beta in and around the Texas Coastal Bend region.
Tropical Storm Beta Impact to the Port: Hurricane Readiness Condition 4
Due to the active tropical conditions in the Gulf of Mexico, the Port of Corpus Christi has increased its Hurricane Readiness Status to Port Condition 4 (Tropical Hazards expected within 72 hours), in accordance with its 2020 Hurricane Readiness Plan. The Port Authority continues to monitor possible impact scenarios for the developing Tropical Storm Beta in and around the Texas Coastal Bend region.
Port of Corpus Christi, City of Port Aransas Reach Settlement on Harbor Island
The Port of Corpus Christi and City of Port Aransas have reached an agreement on the future development of Harbor Island. This agreement amicably resolves all pending litigation between the Parties.
Port of Corpus Christi Added to Argus American GulfCoast Select (AGS) Crude Pricing Index
The Port of Corpus Christi has been added to Argus’ American GulfCoast Select (Argus AGS) Crude Index which provides real-time commodity pricing data from Argus. The new AGS Index further positions Corpus Christi as a major hub for crude oil contracts by increasing transactional pricing certainty for global energy markets while reducing infrastructure investment risk in the region.
Port of Corpus Christi Announces Organizational Appointments
Corpus Christi, TX, USA –The Port of Corpus Christi has appointed Jeff Pollack as its first Chief Strategy Officer. Pollack, who specializes in coastal community land use and resiliency, joined…
UPDATE 4: Coast Guard, Salvage Crews Recover Remaining Dredging Vessel Crewmembers from Ship Channel in Corpus Christi, Texas
Coast Guard and salvage crews recovered the bodies of the two remaining crewmembers Monday after recovering a portion of the dredging vessel Waymon L Boyd from the Corpus Christi Ship Channel in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Coast Guard, Partner Agencies Continue to Respond to Dredging Vessel in Corpus Christi, Texas
Coast Guard crews and partner agencies continue pollution and salvage response Sunday for the dredging vessel Waymon L Boyd in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Tropical Storms Marco and Laura Impact to the Port: Hurricane Readiness Condition 4
Corpus Christi, TX, USA – Due to the active hurricane conditions in the Gulf of Mexico, the Port of Corpus Christi has increased its Hurricane Readiness Status to Port Condition…
Port of Corpus Christi and U.S. Army Partner in Military Readiness Operations
The Port of Corpus Christi continued its support this week for American military readiness, working directly with the U.S. Army in the movement of over 2,500 pieces of cargo. The operation supported the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, which has returned stateside following a nine-month deployment in Germany.