Port of Corpus Christi Chief Executive Officer Sean Strawbridge Elected to AAPA Board of Directors
Oct 06, 2021

Corpus Christi, TX, USA – Port of Corpus Christi Chief Executive Officer Sean Strawbridge has been elected to a seat on the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Board of Directors, providing a continued voice for Texas ports and the Coastal Bend region within this prestigious organization.
The 11-member Board of Directors governs the AAPA and consists of elected representatives from each of the AAPA U.S. and Canadian regions within the corporate membership. The Board meets twice a year, during the Spring Conference in Washington, D.C., and at the fall Annual Convention. Board members serve two-year terms.
The American Association of Port Authorities for more than a century has served as the unified voice of the seaport industry in the Americas. It represents more than 130 public port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, and Latin America. The group empowers port authorities and their maritime industry partners to serve global customers and create economic and social value for their communities, helping to deliver prosperity around the western hemisphere. AAPA provides leadership on issues critical to the port community, like security, trade, transportation, infrastructure, environmental and other issues related to port development and operations.
“I’m delighted to have Sean Strawbridge join the board of AAPA,” said Chris Connor, Chief Executive Officer for American Association of Port Authorities. “Sean’s deep experience in both the private and public sectors gives him unique perspectives which will be valuable to the association as we pursue our mission on behalf of public port authorities throughout the Western Hemisphere.”
Strawbridge has over 25 years of experience in the global transportation and energy sectors in both public administration and private sector disciplines, holding senior leadership roles in Business & Corporate Development, Large Infrastructure Development, Capital Structuring, Finance, and Public Private Partnerships. In his role as Chief Executive Officer, Strawbridge leads the nation’s largest port in total revenue tonnage and the premiere export gateway for U.S.-produced energy.
“The Port of Corpus Christi has long been a proud supporter and partner of the American Association of Port Authorities and their mission,” said Sean Strawbridge, Chief Executive Officer for the Port of Corpus Christi. “I am honored to take my place alongside the other members of the AAPA Board of Directors as we work on behalf of member ports across the nation to seek much needed infrastructure funding and other support at the federal and state levels.”
About Port Corpus Christi
As the leading U.S. crude oil export gateway and a major economic engine for Texas and the nation, the Port Corpus Christi is the largest port in the United States in total revenue tonnage. Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico with a 36-mile, soon to be 54-foot (MLLW) deep channel, Port Corpus Christi is a major gateway to international and domestic maritime commerce. The Port has excellent railroad and highway network connectivity via three North American Class-1 railroads and two major interstate highways. With an outstanding staff overseen by its seven-member commission, Port Corpus Christi is “Moving America’s Energy.” www.portofcc.com
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Click for PDF of PCCA Press Release – Strawbridge AAPA Board