Visit to Port Corpus Christi Supplements Private Industry Best Practices Studies for IDB

Dec 12, 2016


The Institute for Defense and Business’ Depot and Arsenal Executive Leadership Program (DAELP – toured Port Corpus Christi today for a firsthand look at the port’s strategic plan, business development, safety programs, and continuous process improvement initiatives.

The Port Corpus Christi visit is one of several benchmarking tours scheduled for DAELP participants at private industry and Department of Defense industrial complexes during a one-week residency across Corpus Christi, Seguin, and San Antonio, Texas.

IDB DAELP tour at Port Corpus Christi

IDB DAELP tour at Port Corpus Christi

IDB DAELP representative with Port Corpus Christi Chaiman and staff

IDB DAELP representative with Port Corpus Christi Chaiman and staff

Press Release