Hurricane Hanna Impact to the Port: Fully Transitioned to Post-Storm Recovery
Jul 26, 2020

Corpus Christi, TX, USA – In response to the impacts of Hurricane Hanna, the Port of Corpus Christi Authority has now fully transitioned to Post-Storm Recovery in accordance with the 2020 Hurricane Readiness Plan. Port personnel are continuing to assess hurricane impacts with initial assessments indicating light damage and debris. No injuries or environmental incidents were sustained. Port facilities, including the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Security Command Center and Harbormaster’s Office have maintained continuous uninterrupted operations.
The Port of Corpus Christi Ship Channel is open with daylight and vessel draft restrictions as outlined in the latest Marine Safety Information Bulletin 57-20 issued by U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Sector Air Station Corpus Christi. Effective 4:30 p.m. on July 26, 2020, the USCG Captain of the Port (COTP) Corpus Christi rescinded Port Condition Zulu for the Intracoastal Waterway from the Corpus Christi Ship Channel north to Victoria Barge Canal—including Rockport Cut and Lydia Ann Channel—as well as the Corpus Christi Ship Channel including La Quinta Channel.
Remaining waterways in the COTP Corpus Christi Zone are being assessed and will be reopened as soon as possible. All mariners are reminded to use extreme caution when transiting waterways in South Texas as debris and hazards resulting from Hurricane Hanna may be present.
The Port Harbormaster’s Office and Incident Management Team continue to support coordination efforts with the USCG Incident Command Post to identify and resolve possible obstructions or shoaling in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel and prioritize the vessels coming into the Port.
“The safety of all Port personnel, stakeholders and our community remains our top priority,” said Sean Strawbridge, Chief Executive Officer for the Port of Corpus Christi. “As we work with our local, state and federal partners to recover from the impacts of Hurricane Hanna, the Port of Corpus Christi remains committed to transparency and will continue to share updates with our communities as they become available.”
For storm updates and the latest weather advisories, please visit
About Port Corpus Christi
As a leader in U.S. Crude Oil export ports and a major economic engine of Texas and the nation, Port Corpus Christi is the 3rd largest port in the United States in total revenue tonnage. Strategically located on the western Gulf of Mexico with a 36-mile, soon to be 54-foot (MLLW) deep channel, Port Corpus Christi is a major gateway to international and domestic maritime commerce. The Port has excellent railroad and highway network connectivity via three North American Class-1 railroads and two major interstate highways. With an outstanding staff overseen by its seven-member commission, Port Corpus Christi is “Moving America’s Energy.”
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Click for PCCA News Release – Fully Transitioned to Post Storm Recovery – Hanna 07.26.20