Port of Corpus Christi requires anyone needing access to the railroad tracks to establish track safety and get approval prior to accessing the tracks. All employees, consultants, contractors and others that need to establish on track safety must complete this “Statement of On Track Safety” for each assignment.
Personnel On or About Tracks
Personnel whose duties require them to perform work on or about tracks must observe extreme caution when around tracks and rail mounted equipment, in addition to adhering to the following procedures, and completing the form below.
When working on or about (fouling) tracks:
-Ensure the appropriate protection is applied where required (i.e., Blue Flag Protection/Track Authority/Workers Protection).
-Be alert for and keep clear of the movement of railcars, locomotives, or equipment at any time, in either direction, on any track.
-Do not cross within 25 feet of the end of standing railcars, equipment, or locomotives, except when proper protection is provided.
-Wireless communications will not take place within 25 feet of the rail.
-Stand at least:
- 30 feet or more from a switch or derail associated with the route of passing equipment.
- Do not stand between the rails or within 3 feet of tracks and adjacent tracks, if present.
-Stop and look in both directions before making any of the following movements:
- Fouling or crossing a track.
- Moving from under or between equipment.
- Getting on or off equipment.
- Operating a switch.
-Except for a track maintenance vendor(s) performing repairs, do not step, sit or rest your foot on any part of:
- A rail
- A switch or switch machine
- A frog
- A derail
-Never take shelter under any car, equipment, or locomotive.
When requesting permission to occupy tracks, or working on or near the tracks with personal and/or equipment, or working within 25 feet of tracks, but not fouling the tracks:
-The following will take place:
- Coordination with the PCCA Rail Coordinator and Rail Operator – CCTR.
- Complete the On Track Safety Form. Form must be completed by the employee in charge.
- Call one PCCA Rail Coordinator and Rail Operator- CCTR to provide job briefing.
- PCCA Rail Coordinator
- John Slubar – 361-885-6185 or 361-442-3946
- Jeff Starks – 361-885-6223 or 361-946-4023
- Rail Operator – CCTR
- Jesse Luna: 361-244-0132
- Lupe Villareal: 361-502-1726
- If no one can be reached, call your PCCA project manager or other PCCA contact.
- Conduct job briefing on-site with all parties involved.
- Have a designated look out person. (Their only function is to look in all directions for on coming trains. Remember the locomotive doesn’t need to be leading the train.)
- Have a working radio with the local railroad station programmed.
Once provided permission to perform work: