Port Corpus Christi Awarded for Community and Social Investment
Nov 30, 2016

STEER, the South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable, is presenting the 2016 Eagle Ford Excellence Awards in San Antonio Texas, Wednesday, November 30, 2016. The event aims to recognize entities within the oil and gas, and energy sectors for preserving the environment, contributing to local communities, and promoting workplace safety. Port Corpus Christi Deputy Executive Director, Sean Strawbridge, is accepting a STEER award on behalf of the port for Community and Social Investment.
Awards in the Community and Social Investment category are designated for organizations showing true commitment to community. These organizations provide a benefit to deserving individuals or groups, and provide measureable positive impact in local communities.
“Port Corpus Christi’s support for community is anchored on the premise that it is a privilege and a responsibility to help the region thrive. Port Corpus Christi is committed to investing time and resources to strengthening the opportunities and further job creation in the region. It’s a tremendous honor for Port Corpus Christi to receive this prestigious award for Community and Social Investment from the South Texas Energy & Economic Roundtable (STEER). This recognition is testament to the daily efforts of the Port Commission and Staff to earn the unwavering support of the residents and businesses of the Coastal Bend. We thank STEER for their leadership in promoting the virtues of the South Texas energy industry and acknowledging Corpus Christi as the premiere gateway for energy in global trade,” said Charles W. Zahn, Jr. Chairman of the Port Corpus Christi Commission.
STEER Eagle Ford Excellence Award recipients are recognized as leading organizations throughout the oil and gas industry and the Eagle Ford Shale region. These organizations set the standard in being good corporate citizens.